COVID-19 Tumuaki update for Rāmere 24 Mahuru

COVID-19 Tumuaki update for Rāmere 24 Mahuru

Ata mārie

Thank you again for the amazing way you have responded and continue to respond to these very challenging times!  I hope you are managing to keep safe in your bubbles, and possibly enjoying some of the wider food choices that Level 3 brings…

NCEA update

The following additional support for students in Auckland sitting NCEA have been announced this week:

  • Auckland students will be entitled to 1 Learning Recognition Credit (LRC) for every 4 credits they achieve through assessment in the 2021 school year, rather than 1 LRC for every 5. 
  • Auckland students will be eligible for up to 16 LRCs at NCEA Level 1, and 12 LRCs at levels 2 and 3. 
  • The threshold for Auckland students to be awarded a Certificate Endorsement will be 44 credits at Merit or Excellence level, rather than the usual 50. 

The changes to Course Endorsements and University Entrance announced on 2 September will continue to apply. This means: 

  • Auckland students will require 12 credits at Achieved, Merit or Excellence level to receive Course Endorsements, rather than 14. 
  • To be awarded University Entrance, students in Auckland will need to achieve 12 – instead of 14 – credits in each of 3 University Entrance Approved Subjects, as well as attaining NCEA Level 3 and meeting the usual literacy and numeracy requirements.

What this means is that no matter where you are at in your learning/assessment at the moment it is not too late to attain an NCEA qualification this year.  The best way to do this is to keep in touch with your teachers and complete the work set via the Learn at Home spreadsheet to the best of your ability. 

Any work completed during lockdown can be used as evidence for NCEA so please do your best to give it a go!  We are here to help in any way we can 😊

Level 1 – Level 3 Academic transcript

A summary will be sent to Year 11 – Year 13 students next Thursday to show you your progress. This will include the results of your internal assessments to date and show you what external entries you have.  The summary in the report will also include the LRCs so that you can see how these are impacting on your progress towards gaining your level certificate.

If you have any questions regarding your entries please email or contact your subject or Mentor teacher.

Student options

A reminder that these are currently open for Year 9-12 students to select options for 2022. Please could you do this by Tuesday 28th September.

Support for families / Access to food or other support

If you, or other families you know, are looking for additional support/food parcels at this time then the following are some places you can contact.

  • The Fono – Contact Europa Kupu, Whānau Ora Manager on 0800 FONO 4U (0800 366 648), email [email protected], or private message The Fono’s Facebook page
  • Affirming Works – Food Box registrations – Ph: 0800 023 3476 
  • The Foodbank Project – Phone: 022 045 8184 or email: [email protected] 
  • Salvation Army – Text your name and postcode to 4114 and a rep will contact you within 48 hours 
  • Prepare Pacific – food banks Central, West, South 

Please also find below this email a fact sheet from the Ministry of Education with additional suggestions.

Mentor Meetings this week

Thank you to those of you who attended the virtual meetings with your mentor class this week. We had a four-way tie for the winner of the quiz, so we are going to run a tie-breaker quiz to determine a winner! The winning mentor class will receive an afternoon tea to be eaten at second break, once we are back on site. The classes that are sitting on the winning score of 20/24 are MHGA, MPSR, MBEF and MCHM. Well done, and good luck with the tie-breaker!

School Assembly next week

The student leaders are going to run a virtual full school assembly next week via Google Meets. The link for this will be in Tuesday’s announcements, all welcome! It will be on Wednesday 29th September at 2pm.

Mental Health Awareness Week

Pic 1 24 SeptMental Health Awareness Week is coming up next Monday. This year's theme is 'Take time to kōrero' - Mā te kōrero, ka ora. We encourage all students to get involved in the range of daily activities and competitions with some awesome prizes up for grabs.

For students there will be a:

- Whānau/house video competition = "Pass on the gratitude #lockdownedition"

- Mentor photo competition = "Guess what"

- Individual photo competitions = Based of the theme of the day

Our school Instagram will be the main source of communication with students, please follow @СƵcollege so we can get as many involved as possible. A slideshow will also be created for those that don't have access to social media.

Kind regards



 Pic 2 24 Sept

Pic 3 24 Sept

Food delivery

If you are sick, or can’t leave home to buy food or essential supplies, you can ask family, whānau, friends

or neighbours to drop off goods and groceries for you. Talk to your support networks like family, whānau,

friends, and neighbours to see if they could deliver essential items to you.

Try food delivery such as supermarket home delivery, food parcels, frozen pre-prepared meals,

subscription food boxes or any other whole-food delivery service:

• For subscription food boxes go to: OR

• For supermarket delivery go to: OR .

You can also use your supermarket’s click and collect service, and ask a local friend, family member or neighbour to drop off groceries for you.

Contact your local supermarket or dairy to find out if they are delivering groceries and how to order. Your supermarket may have reserved some priority slots for people who need to use online shopping.

Staying safe when getting food delivered

• Deliveries should be contactless and kept local.

• If you are delivering supplies, remember to stay 2 metres apart and wear a face covering.

• If you get your supplies delivered, remember to stay 2 metres away from those delivering them, wear a

face covering and wash and sanitise your hands after you have put the supplies away.

Go to:

Financial help to buy food

If you need financial help to buy food, Work and Income may be able to help.

Visit the Work and Income website for urgent financial support and ongoing needs.

You can apply for a main benefit online and check your eligibility for food assistance.

You can also use the COVID-19 financial support tool on the Unite Against COVID-19 website to see what

support is available to you.

Go to:

•  (for more information)

•  (to apply to Work and Income online)

• 0800 559 009 (MSD General Line)

• 0800 552 002 (MSD Seniors 65+)

• 0800 88 99 00 (StudyLink Students)

(the COVID-19 Financial Support tool)


If you need food urgently (eg if you need food in the next 24 to 48 hours), your local foodbank may be able

to help.

You can find your local foodbank by searching on the Family Services Directory website:

Family Services Directory website:

If you can’t get food delivered

If you have tried and can’t access support through any of the options above, contact your local Civil

Defence and Emergency Management (CDEM) Group.

Go to:

Get in touch

Office hours

8:30am - 3.20pm Monday - Friday
New Zealand Time GMT+12

Physical address

32 СƵ Drive
Pakuranga, Auckland 2010, New Zealand